Термины - "Закупки" (3)|Top 1000+English Words. 1000+английских слов


Термины - "Закупки" (3)

  1. Negotiations = Requests for proposals are sometimes used as a starting point for negotiations to establish a contract - переговоры

  2. Net price = Price after all discounts, rebates, etc., have been allowed - окончательная цена, цена после вычета всех скидок

  3. Offer = A supplier’s offer to provide goods and/or services for a consideration in response to a buyer’s enquiry - предложение

  4. Packing list = A document which itemizes in detail the contents of a particular package or shipment - упаковочный лист

  5. Partial payment = The payment authorized in a contract upon delivery of one or more units called for under the contract or upon completion of one or more distinct items of service called for thereunder - частичный платеж

  6. Partnering Contract - Contract in which prices and specifications are not decided until after contracts are let, usually to enable contractors to contribute to design solutions and other aspects of the work - договор партнерства

  7. Performance bond = A contract of guarantee, executed subsequent to award by a successful vendor to protect the buyer from loss due to the vendor's inability to complete the contract as agreed - гарантия исполнения

  8. Pperformance specification = A specification setting forth performance requirements determined necessary for the item involved to perform and last as required - технические характеристики

  9. Ppoint of origin (shipping point) = The location where a shipment is received by a transportation line from the shipper - пункт происхождения

  10. Preference = An advantage in consideration for award for a contract granted to a vendor by reason of the vendor's residence, business location, or business classifications (e.g., minority, small business) - предпочтение, преференция

  11. Prepaid = A term denoting that transportation charges have been or are to be paid at the point of shipment - франкированный, оплаченный заранее

  12. Price fixing = Agreement among competing vendors to sell at the same price - ценовое фиксирование

  13. Proprietary = The only items that can perform a function and satisfy a need - собственник, владелец, право собственности

  14. Public purchases = The process of obtaining goods and services for public purpose following procedures implemented to protect public funds from being expended extravagantly or capriciously - государственные закупки

  15. Qualified products list (QPL) = A list of products that, because of the length of time required for test and evaluation, are tested in advance of procurement to determine which suppliers comply with the specification requirements - список кондиционных изделий

  16. Quotation = A written or verbal price given by a contractor, supplier or service provider, after being requested either orally or in writing - расценка, цена

  17. Quantity discount = A reduction in the unit price offered for large volume contracts - скидка на количество

  18. Requisition = An internal document that a functional department (stores, maintenance, production, etc.) sends to the purchasing department containing details of materials to meet its needs, replenish stocks or obtain materials for specific jobs or contracts - заявка, требование

  19. Sourcing = The process of establishing potential suppliers of specified works, goods or services - поиск потенциальных поставщиков

  20. Warranty = The representation, either expressed or implied, that a certain fact regarding the subject matter of a contract is presently true or will be true. Not to be confused with "guarantee," which means a contract or promise by one person to answer for the performance of another person - гарантия, поручительство
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