Бизнес-термины - "Закупки" (1)|Top 1000+English Words. 1000+английских слов


Бизнес-термины - "Закупки" (1)

Acquisition = The act of acquiring goods and services (including construction) for the use of a governmental activity through purchase, rent, or lease. Includes the establishment of needs, description of requirements, selection of procurement method, selection of sources, solicitation of procurement, solicitation for offers, award of contract, financing, contraction administration, and related functions - приобретение
Aggregation =Adding together the value of separate contracts for the same supply, works or service - агрегирование, концентрация
Agreement = The legally binding terms and conditions between the parties, another word for a contract - соглашение, договор
Appraisal = A detailed assessment of the general capacity of a contractor, supplier or service provider to meet certain general criteria or standards - экспертиза, оценка
ARO = After Receipt of Order - по получении заказа
Authorised Officer = An officer of the Council who has been nominated by the Council to manage a contract or contracts with a contractor, supplier or service provider - уполномоченное лицо
Award = The issue of an order or contract to a supplier - выдача заказа
Benchmarking = Comparison of performance against other providers of similar services, particularly those recognised as adopting best practice - бенчмаркинг (оценивание + сопоставление)
Bill of lading = A written receipt or contract, given by a carrier, showing a list of goods delivered to it for transportation - коносамент, транспортная накладная
Blanket order = A contract under which a vendor agrees to provide goods or services on a purchase-on-demand basis. The contract generally establishes prices, terms, conditions and the period covered (no quantities are specified); shipments are to be made as required by the purchaser - общий заказ
Commodity = A transportable article of trade or commerce that can be bartered or sold - товар, промышленное изделие
Competitive Tendering = Awarding contracts by the process of seeking competing bids from more than one firm - конкурсное участие в торгах
Contract = A binding agreement made between two or more parties, which is intended to be enforceable at law - контракт
Contract Value = The total monetary value of a contract over its full duration (not annual value) - стоимость товаров, проданных/купленных по контракту
Contractor = An organisation or individual who has made a contract to undertake works, supply goods or provide services - подрядчик, фирма-исполнитель
Cost Plus = The method of payment for contracts for which tenderers quote a lump sum or % addition to their costs (which would be reimbursed) - "издержки-плюс"
Default = Failure by a party to a contract to comply with contractual requirements - невыполнение обязательств, неисполнение договора
Deliverables - A collective name for the tangible goods and/or services that the supplier or contractor is required to supply under agreement - товары или услуги, подлежащие сдаче или доставке
Delivery = The formal handing over of property; the transfer of possession, such as by carrier to purchaser - поставка, снабжение
Destination = The place to which a shipment is consigned - место/пункт назначения
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