TOEFL Words-Lesson 67|Top 1000+English Words. 1000+английских слов


TOEFL Words-Lesson 67

  • canine = Characteristic of a dog - собачий
  • canon = Any rule or law - правило, критерий
  • cant = To talk in a singsong, preaching tone with affected solemnity - говорить нараспев, клянчить
  • cantata = A choral composition - кантата
  • canto = One of the divisions of an extended poem - песнь, часть поэмы
  • cantonment = The part of the town or district in which the troops are quartered - военный городок
  • capacious = Roomy - просторный, вместительный
  • capillary = A minute vessel having walls composed of a single layer of cells - капилляр
  • capitulate = To surrender or stipulate terms - сдаваться, капитулировать
  • caprice = A whim - каприз, причуда
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