- carnivorous = Eating or living on flesh - плотоядный
- carouse = To drink deeply and in boisterous or jovial manner - пировать
- carrion = Dead and putrefying flesh - падаль
- cartilage = An elastic animal tissue of firm consistence - хрящ
- cartridge = A charge for a firearm, or for blasting - патрон, заряд
- caste = The division of society on artificial grounds - каста
- castigate = To punish - наказывать
- casual = Accidental, by chance - случайный, небрежный
- casualty = A fatal or serious accident or disaster - авария
- cataclysm = Any overwhelming flood of water - потоп, катаклизм
TOEFL Words-Lesson 69
TOEFL Words-Lesson 68
- caption = A heading, as of a chapter, section, document, etc - заголовок
- captious = Hypercritical - придирчивый
- captivate = To fascinate, as by excellence. eloquence, or beauty - пленять, очаровывать
- carcass = The dead body of an animal - туша
- cardiac = Pertaining to the heart - сердечный
- cardinal = Of prime or special importance - главный, кардинальный
- caret = A sign (^) placed below a line, indicating where omitted words, etc., should be inserted - знак для вставки
- caricature = A picture or description in which natural characteristics are exaggerated or distorted - карикатура
- carnage = Massacre - резня, бойня
- carnal = Sensual - чувственный, плотский
TOEFL Words-Lesson 67
- canine = Characteristic of a dog - собачий
- canon = Any rule or law - правило, критерий
- cant = To talk in a singsong, preaching tone with affected solemnity - говорить нараспев, клянчить
- cantata = A choral composition - кантата
- canto = One of the divisions of an extended poem - песнь, часть поэмы
- cantonment = The part of the town or district in which the troops are quartered - военный городок
- capacious = Roomy - просторный, вместительный
- capillary = A minute vessel having walls composed of a single layer of cells - капилляр
- capitulate = To surrender or stipulate terms - сдаваться, капитулировать
- caprice = A whim - каприз, причуда
TOEFL Words-Lesson 66
- Calvary = The place where Christ was crucified - Голгофа
- Calvinism = The system of doctrine taught by John Calvin - кальвинизм
- Calvinize = To teach or imbue with the doctrines of Calvinism - проповедовать кальвинизм
- cam = A leaden sash-bar or grooved strip for fastening panes in stained-glass windows - палец, кулачок (техн.)
- cameo = Any small engraved or carved work in relief - камея
- campaign = A complete series of connected military operations - кампания, поход
- Canaanite = A member of one of the three tribes that dwelt in the land of Canaan, or western Palestine - ханаанин
- canary = Of a bright but delicate yellow - канареечный
- candid = Straightforward - искренний, прямой
- candor = The quality of frankness or outspokenness - искренность, прямота
TOEFL Words-Lesson 65
- cadenza = An embellishment or flourish, prepared or improvised, for a solo voice or instrument - каденция, ритм
- caitiff = Cowardly - трусливый
- cajole = To impose on or dupe by flattering speech - льстить, обманывать
- cajolery = Delusive speech - лесть, обман при помощи лести
- calculable = That may be estimated by reckoning - поддающийся исчислению, надежный
- calculus = A concretion formed in various parts of the body resembling a pebble in hardness - камень (в органах человека)
- callosity = The state of being hard and insensible - затвердение, мозоль
- callow = Without experience of the world - неопытный
- calorie = Amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kilogram of water 1 degree centigrade - калория
- calumny = Slander - клевета
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