arrogant = Unduly or excessively proud, as of wealth, station, learning, etc. - высокомерный, самонадеянный, надменный
arrogate = To take, demand, or claim, especially presumptuously or without reasons or grounds - самонадеянно требовать, претендовать, присваивать
Artesian well = A very deep bored well. water rises due to underground pressure - артезианский колодец
artful = Characterized by craft or cunning - ловкий, искусный, хитрый
Arthurian = Pertaining to King Arthur, the real or legendary hero of British poetic story - Артуров
artifice = Trickery - проделка, хитрость, ловкость
artless = Ingenuous - простодушный, неискусный
ascendant = Dominant - господствующий
ascension = The act of rising - восхождение, подъем
ascent = A rising, soaring, or climbing - восхождение, подъем, крутизна
arrogate = To take, demand, or claim, especially presumptuously or without reasons or grounds - самонадеянно требовать, претендовать, присваивать
Artesian well = A very deep bored well. water rises due to underground pressure - артезианский колодец
artful = Characterized by craft or cunning - ловкий, искусный, хитрый
Arthurian = Pertaining to King Arthur, the real or legendary hero of British poetic story - Артуров
artifice = Trickery - проделка, хитрость, ловкость
artless = Ingenuous - простодушный, неискусный
ascendant = Dominant - господствующий
ascension = The act of rising - восхождение, подъем
ascent = A rising, soaring, or climbing - восхождение, подъем, крутизна
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