allegory = The setting forth of a subject under the guise of another subject of aptly suggestive likeness - аллегория, эмблема
alleviate = To make less burdensome or less hard to bear - облегчать, смягчать
alley = A narrow street, garden path, walk, or the like - аллея, проход, узкая улица
alliance = Any combination or union for some common purpose - союз, альянс
allot = To assign a definite thing or part to a certain person - распределять, раздавать, наделять
allotment = Portion - распределение, перечисление, доля, часть
allude = To refer incidentally, or by suggestion - упоминать, ссылаться, намекать
allusion = An indirect and incidental reference to something without definite mention of it - упоминание, ссылка, намек
alleviate = To make less burdensome or less hard to bear - облегчать, смягчать
alley = A narrow street, garden path, walk, or the like - аллея, проход, узкая улица
alliance = Any combination or union for some common purpose - союз, альянс
allot = To assign a definite thing or part to a certain person - распределять, раздавать, наделять
allotment = Portion - распределение, перечисление, доля, часть
allude = To refer incidentally, or by suggestion - упоминать, ссылаться, намекать
allusion = An indirect and incidental reference to something without definite mention of it - упоминание, ссылка, намек