Top 1000+English Words. 1000+английских слов : февраля 2017


TOEFL Words-Lesson 70

Читайте продолжение словаря TOEFL. Предыдущие уроки можно посмотреть здесь.

·    cataract = Opacity of the lens of the eye resulting in complete or partial blindness – катаракта
·    catastrophe = Any great and sudden misfortune or calamity – катастрофа
·    cathode = The negative pole or electrode of a galvanic battery – катод
·    Catholicism = The system, doctrine, and practice of the Roman Catholic Church – католицизм
·    catholicity = Universal prevalence or acceptance – широта, всеобщность
·    cat-o-nine-tails = An instrument consisting of nine pieces of cord, formerly used for flogging in the army and navy – кошка, плеть
·    caucus = A private meeting of members of a political party to select candidates – закрытое собрание партии
·    causal = Indicating or expressing a cause – причинный
·    caustic = Sarcastic and severe – едкий, язвительный, колкий
·    cauterize = To burn or sear as with a heated iron - прижигать

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Top 1000 English Words - manual

Top 1000 English Words
The manual to increase the vocabulary. It is for all who are just beginning to study and who are already familiar with the basics of the English language. The book is designed to learn and remember the most active English words, chosen on the basis of frequency.
 Each of the 50 lessons of the course consists of six sections:
 - quote
 - test (starting from the second lesson) to verify the words of the  previous lesson
 - 20 new words to the transcription and translation
 - idiomatic expressions using new words
 - proverbs with new words
 - excerpt from a work of art of the famous British or American writer / politician.
 Auxiliary tools: Keys to the tests, alphabetical indexes and by the job.
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