bungle = To execute clumsily - работать неумело, делать кое-как
buoyancy = Power or tendency to float on or in a liquid or gas - плавучесть, жизнерадостность
buoyant = Having the power or tendency to float or keep afloat - плавучий, жизнерадостный
bureau = A chest of drawers for clothing, etc. - комод с зеркалом
bureaucracy = Government by departments of men transacting particular branches of public business - бюрократия
burgess = In colonial times, a member of the lower house of the legislature of Maryland or Virginia - член парламента
burgher = An inhabitant, citizen or freeman of a borough burgh, or corporate town - горожанин, бюргер
burnish = To make brilliant or shining - полировать, чистить
bursar = A treasurer - казначей
bustle = To hurry- торопиться
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